The corporate site of Loftwork was renewed. Along with this, the URL has been changed from to Last renewal will be renewal for 2012 for the first time in 4 years.

In this renewal,

  • Tell not only the past case but also the activities of the present and the future
  • Tell the charm of “people”, the best value of Loftwork
  • Show expanded area (FabCafe, MTRL Hidakuma,, OpenCU etc.)

This is the main concept.

The menu structure of the new site is "Who" "What" "How" "Where"


What kind of features are we, whether we are Nanimono? Introduction of people and organizations. With the profile of all employees including Loftwork including global members, ” Principle ” represented the numbers of loftwork with infographic graphics.

Who - a team that fly freely, connect and change continuously. People who constitute "Loftwork"


Not only past achievements and case examples, but also information on the activities of the present and the future. I will mainly introduce the client project (Project) and the current working group’s activities of the loftwork working group (Groups).

What - What is Loftwork facing right now? Today's progressive trip and a bit future ahead


What kind of things do we usually think and act, and in what way will we create new value? We share knowledge and method (Method), findings and thoughts (Findings) gained from the daily project by members of Loftwork.

How - how we made it, how to make it. Explore the unknown "The seed of creativity" found on the journey


Tokyo, Kyoto, Hida, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and FabCafe Global in 10 locations around the world. We will introduce the characteristics of each base.

Where - location / access information

I would like to convey the loft work of "progressive type"

At the corporate site so far, it was mainly to introduce past information, such as “made things” and “done koto”. As new I would like to tell “Who is faced with what I am, right now, loft work” as much as possible without any time difference.

Also, ” recruitment information ” has been renewed, so far, we have posted application guidelines for job categories such as “Creative Director” and “Technical Director”, but from now on, “Creative Produce” and “UX Design · Design Research “” Space design “and so on, we decided to recruit members for the area Loftwork creates. At Loftwork, members currently engaged in projects that are expanding day by day are now being actively employed. to

In 2000, the portfolio site “”, which was born with the desire of “creating a platform that creator’s work circulates around the world”, was launched in March 2018 to the new service “ (Award dot com)” I will renovate. (formerly is an online platform on which Hackathon will be held, an award for creators. It is scheduled to open as a new service in the middle of March. I am currently in the service transition period. For details, please see notice on

Thank you for your continued and !


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