Future creation project for innovation
What value can Osaka Gas provide to society in the future after 100 years?
Osaka Gas, which is involved in a wide range of businesses, essential to the energy business, launches the future creation project "TORCH" with Loftwork from June 2016.
If gas is gone from this world, what value can Osaka Gas provide to society?
What are Osaka Gas people doing at the company then?
The project started from such a question.
Project overview
- Client
Osaka Gas - Content of support
Concept formulation of new business development program Program planning design - Project period
July – October 2017 - System
Producer Yuhi Yanagawa
Program design and Mentor Chiaki Hayashi
Creative director Mao Tada, Tomohiko Nihonyanagi
Project Concept · Mission Statement
We created a booklet that summarizes the concept, vision and goal of the project. He worked as a tool to match the members’ viewpoints involved in the “TORCH” project, such as project name and three mission statements.

Seven Business Ideas
A business idea contest was held on the final day of the program conducted in the process of all 5 days. Twenty-five young members gathered across the department that participated in the program were divided into teams, and seven business ideas were finally created.

A project that started at bottom-up triggered by the voice of the scene.
What kind of thought of Osaka Gas started the project "TORCH" and made it with loft work? I interviewed Mr. Kaoru Kawamoto, Director of Business Analysis Center, Information and Communication Department, Osaka Gas.
Project design that promoted Osaka Gas asset · external viewpoint interwoven
Vision and Mission Statement Formulation – Creating soil to create new value for society through internal and external collaboration
The project’s vision is that Osaka Gas will create new value with the next 100 years in mind. I set three statements as a mission for that.
1. Create new value through active collaboration within and outside the company
2. Raising ideas and growing into a business that gives new impact to society
3. Create an Osaka Gas future with ideas using ICT and data science
Osaka Gas, who felt the challenge of connecting sideways between employees and flexible collaboration with the outside, positioned the project in the past 4 months as a soil for open innovation, recruiting young employees throughout the company, I made an open service design program. Twenty-five young employees from 11 organizations participated.
Program design ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 2 Road map divided into two phases /
We divided the project into two phases, and decided the final goal for business development in collaboration with the business department. In Phase 1, we developed a 5-day workshop program that explores the seeds of business ideas from research and carries out planning of business ideas. We implemented a program that combines Osaka Gas’ asset and technology with idea generation and business plan creation and combines discussion with practice.
Workshop · Business idea contest implementation ── Effectively utilize internal and external knowledge to create new business seeds
What I emphasized in all the 5-day programs was how to unravel the interpretation that was regarded as common sense in the business of Osaka Gas, the existing framework, constraints of individual thinking, and find new species of new ideas is.
Collaboration with Osaka Gas Behavior Observation Research Institute
So we invited Mr. Haruhito Matsunami, Director of the Osaka Gas Behavior Observation Research Institute, as a lecturer, and in the 1st and 3rd programs we looked at everyday to find idea seeds from small “awareness” I learned research method and method of thinking of re-frame.
Mentoring from a business perspective by external lecturers
In order to make the idea a more specific business plan, we invited Mr. Takahiro Yamaguchi, Mr. Takahiro Yamaguchi, Glob Incubation Partners and Mr. Takahiro Kikuchi, planet table, respectively, in the 4th and 5th program, respectively. Idea brush with business viewpoint with Loftwork forest Chihiro Up and mentoring was carried out.
Business idea contest where over 100 spectators gathered
On the final day we held a business idea contest. As an open event that anyone in Osaka Gas can attend, we held a presentation on business ideas that 7 teams made. The contest, including group companies, was a great success event for Osaka Gas employees gathering over 100 and standing up.
Judges participate from inside and outside respectively. Smile’s Mr. Masamichi Toyama, Mr. Planet · Table Mr. Kikuchi and Chihiro Loftwork Work Forest participated in the external judges. Sharp feedback and review were conducted based on Mr. Toyama who launched Soup Stock Tokyo as an internal venture from Mitsubishi Corporation and Mr. Kikuchi who started the business as a startup.
“In all five workshops held at the "TORCH" project, we focused on warming up and raising each individual's interests, concerns and feelings carefully. The team who won the Grand Prize was able to keep thinking about how to convey the value that they wanted to offer without hanging their own hypothesis from the beginning to the end was also the real feeling and the amount of heat of the members who nurtured through the program were genuine I think that is because. As named "future creation" rather than "new business creation", it will be a program to create a new future for Osaka Gas, with the foundation of strong energy born in finding and shaping what you really want to do I hope to continue accompanying with all of you at Osaka Gas.”
Creative Director Mao Tada
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