Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings PROJECT

Isetan New store "Fab Space" produced


On October 27, 2016, Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings opened a new store "ISETAN The Japan Store Kuala Lumpur" that conveys the value of Japan to the capital city of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. It is a new store to propose "Made in Japan" in a wide range of genres including Japanese-made clothing and foods, experience-based contents with Japanese culture as a resource. Furthermore, "Fab Space" is opened in it, Malaysia's first space equipped with full automatic embroidery sewing machine and latex printer as well as laser cutter and 3D printer, enabling various prototyping.

Digital manufacturing café funded and managed by Loftwork FabCafe started the "FabSpace" launch from the beginning, with the concept formulation, space design, content design and production, selection of digital fabrication equipment to be introduced, recruiting using FabCafe's global network, Establishment of business unit, training of local staff, total production. We fully supported the experimental approach of Isetan Mitsukoshi's "Proposal of experiential floor" from both the hardware and software sides.

project overview

  • support
    Isetan The Japan Store Fab Space Space Produce Selecting / Introducing Digital Fabrication Equipment Content Design for Launch
    Establishment of recruiting / business unit using FabCafe’s global network Team building / training of local staff
  • System <br /> Client: Mitsukoshi Isetan Holdings Producer: Toshimasa Kawai (FabCafe LLP COO), Tim Wong (FabCafe Taipei / Loftwork Taiwan co-founder)
    Creative Director: FabCafe Tokyo Fab Master, Yipin Huang (loftwork Taiwan Fab Master)


Fab Space Space Produce in Isetan The Japan Store

There is “Fab Space” in the space called CUBE 3 in the ISETAN The Japan Store. FabCafe produces “Fab Space” from space design to content introduction in total. We designed designs such as outer walls and interior designs, digital fabrication equipment to be introduced, materials used for construction, selection of content for opening.


Selection / introduction of digital fabrication equipment

Introduced multiple digital fabrication equipment. We created a space that makes it easy to enjoy various manufacturing and prototyping.


Content design for launch

We also supported the design and production of content for the opening. Based on knowledge cultivated at FabCafe all over the world, we have realized a total production including the program of the Monozukuri workshop and the products exhibited inside the store.



Recruiting / Establishment of business unit using FabCafe’s global network / Team building / training of local staff

Kanioka, who works for Fab Master at FabCafe Tokyo, is in charge of supporting the team building of the staff and technical training while staying in the field. In addition to basic technical training such as how to use digital fabrication equipment, knowledge, skills, mind set for FabCafe’s cultivation of event management and community building up to now are input. We supported smooth management and sustainable community creation.



Daiki Kanaoka

Loftwork Inc. / FabCafe LLP
FabCafe Tokyo CTO


Kotaro Iwaoka

Loftwork Inc. / FabCafe LLP/ Hidakuma
Hidakuma CEO


Toshimasa Kawai

Toshimasa Kawai

Loftwork Inc. / FabCafe LLP

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